Prolapse uterus relate to deficent muladhara?

Does anyone think a prolapse uterus relates to a deficient muladhara?? Ive felt somewhat ungrounded of late not overly and have found out that after my first born child that my uterus has prolapsed mildly. Obvioulsy mulabandha exercises would help this right?? Does anyone have any other suggestions??

Yes it will help in great way

combine with a static “elementary” kumbhak. I.e. do ashtantga. Eight limbed practices leading to the positon of RAJA yoga.

While I’m uncertain whether muladhara bandha or chakra could contribute to a prolapsed uterus there is a tendency in the body for problems to travel upward.

Supta baddha konasana has been said to help with this issue.


Ardha chandrasana creates space in the pelvis and has a drying effect on the uterus. GH at being said I’m not sure if that is relevant to your problem.