
some people cannot use lots of spirulina so then it is better to combine with hemp that has all essential amino acids and the protein is similar to our bodies.

[I]With a protein structure of 66% edestin and 33% albumin, hemp seeds (latin: sativa) contain all 8 essential amino acids plus 2 conditionally essential amino acids. In addition to its surprising protein profile, it also contains the perfect ratio of omega fatty acids researchers recommend for good health: 3- omega-3`s to 1-omega-6.

Why Are Amino Acids Important?

A human being needs 21 amino acids to survive: Eight are essential and must be obtained from food; two are conditionally essential and can be synthesized if all the eight essential amino acids are consumed. No other plant or animal source, aside from hemp, contains the first ten amino acids necessary for health. Nor do any of them contain the fatty acid ratio essential for life.
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