Pulse and sleep question

When you read my pulses, you asked me about whether I was sleeping ok. You said something about the pulses indicating an inability to rest. Something like that. At the time that I saw you I was sleeping fine, but I am now having problems sleeping. Some nights I fall asleep immediately but wake up a few hours later, wide awake. I got some tryptophan a few days ago and taking the tryptophan, at least that first night, I felt incredibly agitated. I have continued taking it, and don?t feel agitated, but I can?t say that I am sleeping as I usually do. I consider that I am a sleeper. I do many things well, but I have always considered that the thing I do best is to sleep. That has stopped being the case.
Please tell me more about what you saw in the pulses. What does it mean. And what do I do.

Thanks very much

I saw signs of vata not dropping down into belly of vessel. That is sign of not sleeping well or not going into deeper states of mediation. Reading spiritual literature is one way of dealing with that. Something is agitating you and that needs to be searched out and focused on. Light of consciousness seeks to know what is unknown then there can be Vata balance and resulting increase in pranic forces to keep sattvic harmony state of mind