Question about the lower back

Sorry to bother you again :slight_smile:

When I do Utkatasana, or any variation on a squat, if I sit low enough and lean back I feel the work not just through my buttocks but also the low-low back. When I perform Locust, I can lift my legs only so high before I need to spread my feet apart- my lower back starts talking to me. I feel like the two issues are related- what should I do to strengthen that area so Locust and Utkatasana are more comfortable? (Of course, Locust is off the menu for me for a few more months.)

Thank you again,

It sounds to me from your description of locust pose that your lower back muscles deep to the spine called the erector spinae are quite weak. And from the squat pose description the same muscles are also tight. I would recommend that you do simple cat pose learning to isolate those muscles for tone when you pull the spine down and tone the abdominals, their antagonists, when you lift the spine to the ceiling. In addition do the sunbird pose, chakravakasana, similar to cat except you lift one leg behind you while spine is brought down. This will also tone the gluteals and hamstrings along with the erectors. Then reverse the pose pulling the knee to the head while spine is lifted, to tone hip flexors in addition to abdominals. These motions are described in my book under the joint freeing poses, # 6 and 7. namaste mukunda

How interesting- Cat and Chakravakasana are some of my favorite postures, and I actually try to stay away from them because I feel like I could do too many of them (if that makes any sense). But I will spend more time on them and see if Utkatasana (and Locust, after my pregnancy) feel better.

Thank you again.
