I suffer from Sleep Apnea and based on certain readings from the web, I decided to do the following Pranayama techniques. I did this for a month and half and i have mixed results and I am not seeing any major results atleast in sleeping pattern. Moreover, I am getting like Insomnia. Wondering if I am not doing it right. Any pointers will help. I live in Toronto and would be willing to train under any Pranayama guru and hence recommend if you know someone:
Anuloma Viloma - I do this for about 6 sets (left / Right) and some days 12 sets in the morning once I wake up around 7.30 AM - 4 seconds breathe-in, 16 seconds hold, 8 seconds breathe out and 8 second hold. I do this along with Aina bandha. Though, its advised that I should do this without any sound, I find it difficult to control the sound but can work on it. I have good control of holding breadth and I moved quickly to this 1:4:2:2 ratio in a few days of starting this technique. Should I avoid this and go to 1:1 ratio and no holding of breadth without any sounds and practice this more comfortably?
Ujjayi Pranayama - I do this 5 times while I walk in a park in the morning and also along with Bikram yoga poses (26 poses except Kapalbhasti). I do this in the evening around 7PM. For each pose, I try to do 3/4 Ujjayi breathing. Again, I make Ujjayi breathing sounds when I do the breathing. Though in one of the web readings, I found like one should not make any sound in Ujjayi pranayama breathing. I do this with Ajna bandha whenever possible.
Kapalbhasti - This I do for 2-3 mins depending on the energy level of the day. I do with Agna bandha
Bhagya bhanda - This I do for 10 times once I am done with Anuloma viloma in the morning. I release the bhanda by breathing in alternate nostrils (once in left with right closed and once in right with left closed - 5 times each)
I have some mixed energy levels and feelings. I am wondering if I am doing things right … is it too early to see any results… etc.
I am looking for only Pranayama focussed teaching and unfortunately all things I could find around focusses on Hatha / Bikram / Ashtanga and not Pranayama focusssed. I am also planning to visit India shortly and any guru in India is also of great help to me.