Questioning Mukunda Stiles Yoga Therapy book

I have bowed legs and have been doing a lot of web research about them and it has lead me to believe that it isn’t possible to correct. Mukundas book states otherwise, possibly giving people false hope. :frowning: Anyways, I can’t know for sure if Mukundas really did correct his knock knee problem but even if he did, fixing bowed legs can’t really be as simple as just doing the opposite?

Anyone with who’s knowledgeable in yoga and/or the skeletal system have something to say on this too?

Wishing you a warm welcome to the forum, Jason. As a student of Mukunda’s for over 6 years, I can personally offer to you that Mukunda did correct his knocked knees through his practice. He is an honest man, who greatly values the truth in the sharing of Yoga. He is wise and rare gem of a teacher. Please also understand that is this is no simple exercise of only “doing the opposite,” but for him it was of great tapas and discipline too.

I have knowledge of Yoga and of the skeletal system, yes from Mukunda, but also from many other long-practiced Yoga teachers and also from my study of the body at university; from this I can tell you surely that we can change our bodies by changing our minds and our hearts through a complete and committed Yoga practice based in Patanjali’s sutras.

This very site,, was originally created by one of Mukunda’s students, as place for Mukunda to share with his students and anyone else wanting to discuss Yoga therapy. There are many threads here by him deeper in the pages of this forum. Read some for yourself, especially those where he speaks to bowed legs and the changing of the body. Since you mentioned having the SYT book, I have also posted the edits to the book here as a pdf; you can get them off this site to correct some points that were missed when the book was first published.

This forum has been sold and sold again, and Mukunda does not come to this site often any more, but if you can always contact him directly though his own site: with your questions and concerns. After all, it is better to go to him directly than to ask this question here to us, because whatever we offer, even in generosity, will fall short since it is [I]his [/I]personal experience that you are curious about.

Best wishes and highest respects,

I have not personally seen it done. For some, that is the only empirical evidence that satisfies them. However it seems quite obvious that the deeper work in yoga, the more comprehensive work in yoga does have very powerful effects on the gross physical form. Iyengar himself healed many of his own issues through asana - and provided the same gift to his students.

Thanks for the info guys. It’s great to hear that theirs a way to correct these problems without surgery. Nichole, I tried your link to the edits but it doesn’t seem to be working for me. I will also try and contact Mukunda directly and ask him some questions on exactly how the process corrects the legs and the details of it all. And thanks again for the replies guys.

Hey Jason,
Your welcome for the response; thanks for posting your question here. The forum has recently switch servers, and the avatars were lost at that time, perhaps the attachments have been lost too? I know little about these things, but I will reattach them on the same link.


thanks for the info - useful thread...

this seems useful information...thanks for sharing...

see ya...


Here is one thread where Mukunda speaks to his personal sadhana:


Thanks so much for these links, especially the edits to Mukunda’s two books.

