I have been teaching at a small, local studio for 2 years or so, trained by the owner. Mostly I teach a weekly yin/restorative type class but also fill in for kundalini and anything else that’s needed.
An outfit out of VA who rents studios for a one weekend a month for seven months YTT is currently using our studio for a training and I’m part of the class. I’ve always wanted certification but could never coordinate a month of from my day job or the finances so this training was a great thing for me.
The fly in the soup is that this past weekend during the 4th month training, which covered inversions as part of the weekend, that I was told because of my shoulder structure that I was not a candidate for such postures. I will admit that at 53 years old I am not a spring chicken and that I do have my share of stiff joints at times since I’m not in my 20s anymore. I can add to it that I also do non-yoga activities like weight lifting and cardio which for me is very yogic and that probably adds to my less than optimal range of motion and even if I did none of that I don’t think I have the perfect contortionist body to pull off the perfect picture for the cover of a yoga magazine - but who does?
My concern is now is that I have a ton of doubt about the appropriateness of me being a teacher. If I truly have a body full of physical contraindications, maybe leading a class isn’t the best - I doubt I would leave yoga since it has if anything helped me stay in great shape well into my middle-age. Or, maybe this doubt is part of the normal YTT training process - it is for me frustrating, since I’ve had a decade of practice by what I thought were very fine and inspiring teachers, now being told that what they taught me and what I have practiced is wrong.
What to do in this situation has me way out of my comfort zone of a usually wonderful life.
thanks for listening.