"R. Sharath Jois Workshop 2023- Stockholm Station" Tickets for Sale at Discounted Price

Hello Everyone,

I hope this message finds you all in good spirits. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen personal circumstances, I'm unable to attend the much-anticipated R. Sharath Jois Workshop, scheduled to take place in Stockholm ( Workshop Sharathji Group 1 August 18 - 23). The website is ( R.Sharath Jois workshop - Yogashala Stockholm)I was very much looking forward to the event and it truly pains me to miss out on this incredible experience.

In light of this, I have two tickets for the workshop that I'd like to sell. I understand that last-minute purchases can sometimes be financially straining, so I'm offering these at a lower price than their original cost (The original Price was 3750 SEK, and I will sell at 2500 SEK).

The tickets provide access to the entire workshop, making this a fantastic opportunity for anyone who missed out on purchasing tickets earlier or anyone who has had a change of plans and can now attend.
If you are interested, or you know anyone who might be, please feel free to private message me or respond directly to this thread. I would much rather the tickets go to someone who will appreciate and enjoy the event, rather than going to waste. contact me wangxianglijx@163.com

Thank you all for your understanding and I hope these tickets can make someone's day a little brighter!