Raga yoga- books

I am currently practicing/studying sivananda yoga, Raja yoga is mentioned in my books as one of the 4 paths, there is some basic info on the 8 limbs but I think this topic alone could have its own book. My current books advise what the 8 limbs are and give little detail about each one.

Can anyone reccomend a book on this specific path?

We don’t have many ashtanga classes where I live, is there a huge difference in the style of asanas between sivananda and ashtanga?

Thanks in advance :wink:

Raja Yoga by Swami Sivananda
Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda

Both are available on Amazon (couldn’t post links because my username is limited :)) but I’ve read them both and can highly recomend either one.

Astanga classes are quite different from a Sivananda class. Apart from sequencing and the flow of the class, Astanga teaches usuing bhandas during the practice right from the start and breathing from the chest rather than the belly.

You may try my book that is written in today’s language but follows a rarely known sequence of sutras to deliver a very structured guide-book. It is on Amazon too.

I also recommend Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda as well as his Karma/Bhakti and Jnana books they all overlap somewhat just as in life.

Thanks all,
Best wishes