Hello everyone,
Brief history: 41, male, work at a computer much of the day - history of low back problems, weak glutes - spend several hours a day meditating either lying down, or on a meditation stool. Been practicing yoga of one kind or another for 5 or 6yrs and lift weights. Loooooong history of quacks, physios and body workers --without exception an utter waste of time.
I have had several “locked” vertebrae in the middle of my back (just below the bottom of the shoulder blades). It doesn’t actually cause me that much trouble, but it can’t be good right? I recently started doing squats with just 20kg to work out some aches in my glutes (which works very well indeed!) and notice that my locked spine gets worse afterward. I figure it might be best to try and fix this before doing much more.
So… should I be doing forward or backward bends? Both? (twists are a given I guess) – Can anyone comment on a good approach to this problem?
Many thanks!