Refinement of kopha thru the diet?

Namaste Mukunda.
I was speaking with a student today who saw you in NYC this month. She has multiple mylenoma- you suggested she increase ojas and among other suggestions, to read spiritual nutrition, which she is doing. she asked me a question which I am just as confused about as she regarding diet. Does the diet have much to do with the refinement of kopha to ojas(or any dosha to its refined state). As cancer is a kophic condition, should she be following an kopha diminishing diet , and focus on increasing ojas thru the other senses ?

She would be best off consulting an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner i am not that in this feild of dietary or cancer recommendations. I would suggest contacting my local MD who is Ayurvedic physician. go to for assistance or find someone in NYC area with similar qualifications and experience in this field. Check with my student Gen Ryder who is editor of Light on Ayurveda magazine for recommendations in NYC area - Blessings. mukunda