
Hi. I’m a little new to yoga and I use the Iyengar books. How do you relax in savasana? How long does it take to go into deep relaxation so that there is “stillness”? I try to follow his directions but can’t get into deep relaxation.

Relaxation Practice:

Find a comfortable space to practice in, in which you will not be disturbed, a place in which you feel safe and peaceful. You may choose to inspire your relaxation with soft music, incense or other items which support your intention to turn your focus inward. Placing your worries at the door (most of them will still be there when you return from your relaxation, and those that have slinked off will likely not be missed), give yourself permisssion to enter into a period of relaxation. Allow at least 10 to 15 minutes.

Chose a comfortable seated position or lie in Shavasana. Begin by noticing the sensations in the body, the sounds in the room, the thoughts in your head. This may take several minutes as you acknowledge all of the activity of the nervous system. Once you have a sense of being aware of that activity, begin to look underneath - bringing your awareness to your breath. Without trying to change your breath, notice the rhythm, the pattern of your breath - the sensations associated with breathing - external body sensation, internal body sensations. Again, allow yourself several minutes to feel the waves of the breath as they rise and fall, enter and exit the body. Once you feel connected to the breath, begin at the toes, and focus on the sensations there. You will simply notice the feelings in the body, pleasurable or uncomfortable, without needing to change them. Move slowly through the body from part to part until you have completed your journey through the body from the tips of the toes to the top of the head. Once you have done this, return your attention to the breath, then again to the body as a whole, and then again to the sounds and sensations of the room in which you are practicing.

In the beginning, it may be difficult to completely relax. You may find that you become irritated or you may have the opposite reaction, and fall asleep! The “goal” is to be aware of the process and to make an effort to be present to your experience. If you notice boredom, irritation, random thoughts intruding, just be aware that these are a kind of resistance - not negative - just sign posts along the inner journey. Notice them, and proceed with your intent to nourish your body, mind and spirit with a relaxation practice. Acceptance and awareness of the myriad mental, physical and emotional states which arise, exist for some time, and once again disappear, will support your ability to remain in a relaxed and centered state while practicing the activities of your daily life.


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Deep relaxation in savasana can take some practice to achieve. It helps to focus on your breath and let go of any tension in your muscles. You can also try using a bolster or blanket for added comfort. For some inspiration, you can always check out Spa Blowout reviews for tips on relaxation techniques. With regular practice, you'll find it easier to reach that state of stillness.

As you recline in Savasana, spread your legs apart comfortably and place your arms at your sides, palms facing up, to unwind. Allowing your body to totally sink into the mat, close your eyes and take long, calm breaths. Starting at your toes and working your way up to your head, concentrate on releasing tension from every area of your body. Give up all outside distractions, tension and worry, and spend a few minutes in this peaceful position, appreciating the peace and quiet of the position.