Release and Healing

I don?t understand the set up of allowing a space for healing. I have experienced great emotional release in doing this asana practice and my sadhana as well, but I don?t understand the connection to the healing of the physical body and emotional body and all the others. I find myself “making sense” of a release after its happened, as if I was setting up an agenda for what to do with myself and situations related to the release next, and trying to see how past events have woven their way into my personality. Somehow I don?t think that is the yogic method of healing.

Indeed a good point. The cause and effect relationship of healing is where we begin to learn how Yoga Therapy works. And for many it will always remain at that level, a physical cause creates a physical effect of healing. However for deeper healing the cause is a balance or sattvic state of the higher koshas working in essence to send its state to the grosser koshas. From this point of view, Pranayama heals all physical problems. Right thinking corrects all pranic imbalances. Spiritual knowledge and wisdom teachings uplift the mind’s ability to hold onto positivity. The experience of Bliss and your True Self creates all of this cycle to continue. By doing sadhana and holding the intention to align all the deeper koshas regularly one receives the optimal benefits. And you never know what will be healed. There is an ultimate cause but its effects may go where it deems best. From this place we say, not my will but Thy will be done. And then we give our Grace to be thankful for the larger source of Grace.