Hey Rebel,
That’s like complaining to the newspaper that so-n-so’s burger they advertised is not really the World’s Most Famous.
YA is nothing more than a yellow pages for teachers: advertisement. It’s not any kind of qualifying body, but an arbitrary standard conceived by people who sell space in a registry. That’s not to say there are not very good people registered in it, but also plenty of haks.
I remember when they first started, some untold years ago, after I was already certified and teaching. What you did is send them your name, where you were certified and 45 bucks. I thought…“That’s brilliant. Why didn’t I think of that?” Am I registered? No! I kept my 45 bucks, and I’m not at all sorry.
There’s no one out there to tell you who’s who. You have to do the homework and find out for yourself. Hopefully before you lay down the bucks.