Repressed student

This student is an Indian national, kapha type, but I think with a pitta imbalance. She appears to me to be repressed and possibly even oppressed as she is always apologizing for herself when I offer an adjustment to her. She does not follow aural instructions well, seems to respond best to one on one mirroring. She often draws my attention in class as she had difficulty in doing the poses, however her tendency to apologize for herself makes me feel it is best not to offer too much. She has been coming regularly for about a year, and although structurally I have not seen much change, she seems less withdrawn than a year ago. I hesitate to say anything to her, as I do not want to shatter her low self-esteem, as she seems to be coming out of her shell.


You are doing well with her. Ideal is to encourage her progress when you see it and make minimum of adjustments. They should only be reserved for when you see she is really ready for more vitality. Let her progress and make her own way. She is to be commended for making the effort to be there that is enough.