I am doing a college project where I want to gauge an audience's understanding of ISKCON. It would be a great help if you could answer this very brief survey. The survey is completely anonymous, I don't ask for your name or any other information like email address.
the emerald tablet is like 6 feet across and two feet wide and on a like 45 vsssssssswsslant nighihgy with as fuckun upside down electromagnwericn stand pin the other sidemen tingy w with with the ppointy part down when looking at down side close it is veyr 2nd gnar quarter on the right fro t eh right edfd
the emerald tablet is like 6 feet across and two feet wide and on a like 45 vsssssssswsslant nighihgy with as fuckun upside down electromagnwericn stand pin the other sidemen tingy w with with the ppointy part down when looking at down side close it is veyr 2nd gnar quarter on the right fro t eh right edfdt is it only time for those who rae doog no doubt. only for those who are good. I aint no god damn s7iva but I im a god ddsmff alien god. and thats a bramanchari schivav catch ee
the emerald tablet is like 6 feet across and two feet wide and on a like 45 vsssssssswsslant nighihgy with as fuckun upside down electromagnwericn stand pin the other sidemen tingy w with with the ppointy part down when looking at down side close it is veyr 2nd gnar quarter on the right fro t eh right edfdt is it only time for those who rae doog no doubt. only for those who are good. I aint no god damn s7iva but I im a god ddsmff alien god. and thats a bramanchari schivav catch ee
dont go beyond of course a sanyasi as that is a mess and the alien gods we are so more than all of whatever other plafaf3e withtoput the point of other here few hwieof ouewi fvalues. being good we are. om shanti bless
be greater than god and be just like that god.
if hanuman is giving away the sphinx of the team universicule bbb b of b and ology then that way to save someone has to do with the giving of the ra cook up of a spell of an environment sized and planet galactic solarsytewl sized lot of a pot with the fookin way of the sun suns ss sss oldest lookin thing with some nonhuman level graffiti lookin graffiti with the divination realm as the type of realm it is, the divination realm.....
this is my trudge
renewable energy without the nuclearickishishnessss, the magnets glued together flatly to make some more then up in the time that all are done done then then the the 120 as 12 degrees section barriers between 108s of great harmonics from mmmmmm uuuhhhhhhhh hhhhmmmmmmmm ramaKRISHN lolololo0lol type ou lookin section with a fan that blows that gets exchanged with the magnets that are close with similar barriers to adhance the constant flow growth of the losnot sont o f momentum which which which right in the end gets so big of a magnet that it has a golden ratio uvula harmonic of what is auric cyclic interest which then has its little pole poking out and then has a string on it which connects to the string were talking about all the time which then moves a more smaller magnet with a cookin spring on it that spins it and then cycles back tot the beginning wiht a replacement charge of the fan with an mangenticaally charges electric one which is wind strong force and the much of the way the secondly tangly yin field is turned into the yin yin field in time which can be repeated in projects while the furthermost of the use of the magnet which works beyond that magnet is giving energy beyond that magnet to even bigger magnets per say which anyway based upon if even a fookin laser was blastin and turning the whole thing at the beginning space then the meta magnet just scrapes up in the all of the against the deeper truth YogaForums wizardofrums ocCult forum dot hortgz
this world is more about how to just choose to be good and to stop failing to be the truth. so we need to be solom and not be a health mutilating murrderers society which is framing prodigy forces and is plotting to frame them by doing so by which was the sin of the past of this earth. I met a krishna that was on that bramanchari and he was a dram drehm dram dream sad tired helpful toy boy begging for respect of the dignity force which was just thankfully what could have been known at anytime by chance of the humans being interested in being holy by being what obey the essentials on yogaforums.com by @veganstringbean at the sanyasi post which allow for the truth of what is not murdering mutilation and is instead the truth of what is holy and greatly fine for the happenings of the present which are only as great as they are which need some happenings to be the processes of the honest reality which are what blossom from the accumulation of the lively forces of the helpful magi who are mages of nevertheless miraculous pitch fork waking sun light timeliness like ness seeesssss of find more in a cave hope which does not deserve to be suffering and do3es not deserve to disobey the rules as it is not true that anything is beautiful about them whereas the reality of what is in consicousnsss nature of divine oneness is what is the true divine law as it is what is as that is also what hereby needs to be enough of the truth that it is in material fixation while the ratios of fake wisdom will say that, you know awwhwhwhaattt, just never mind.
while fucking by the fact a dream of meeting oshoa was what I had the raping bust a nut we holy unhelathiiying face is whereby the gugukin monkeys are keeping wisdom from for the human masters to lead while they still have to beat a one and an 80 to flush it out while we got that 81 scale deeper read engralement of out fragile style of hoping for what can survive out of the sun _ _
ramas building up a muslin and we all know ratios are the constant truth. so astronomer I re ee eee eed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBhCL1R25_M no wood is jininnitnnnnnniiiiiiiittttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn oooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn mmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dun dun dundundun buuuwowwuwuwuwuuuusssssssttttttttttt veganstringbeaner. its getting more Laos L y hhphysucialy s lysyyssyyyyy holmmeeesssss strong divine power krishna wire. nigggaaaaaaaaaaaaaa om shanti bless I love you in that dress teammmmmmmmmmmmm the park in meeee. omimmmmm rememmmeoemmmeiiiinngngggggggggg ttthhhhheeeeeeee t. tt time innnnn Mme e 1000 1000
nigagkins be dialin for light sticks out cheu that by fast furious
vrrorooooooooooooo ooooo o oo oooooo. oooooommm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
just to live for eternity as a cc comun ii tyyy. good by e cc oo mm uu nn ii tt yy,.. ramanujihadhatleaaasss s t TT T T TT TTTT<><><><><><><><><><><><> mystical eternal dream is as it by with like community and the soft face flush and eye twinkles that ha e , ,, , , , - - - let buust,
from, comtowhaaaaaae the the still corner siiyyYYyyYyYyYrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee~```~
whoever has been heirt by the Catholic Church that isa going to gett a better orthodoxx though should grab the eternal subtle dimension necromancy realm bell and candle and then dd dd dd oh ooo hu high jaj huh jaj huh hjh chi ihi hih jij nse see your throughly hand shade of true natural personally artificial and organic phantom dignity force spiritsoul body hand grab a making of the gurus hand s ss sss ss sss ssss s and further make it as an ultimate practical vajara that is a chode road of something extra of in the dream and touch y ee ?? ? eE? and ttdheeen eenn just just call it scarlet and a more purple of tip breathing of for to be by there that is thankfully which was more about a big ole bust of an ancient Petra and a universe three e e hohooonnnneeeeeeellllooooovvvveeeeesssssstttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for eveevveeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybb bbb bbbbBBBbbbBBbBBBbBbbbbbbbBbBBBBBBBBBoddyyyyyyyyyy joogggiiinnneeeee evvnnneeeeee wiwiiiiththtthhttthhooooouuuuttttttt ,y thheee ee ee_EEeE~~~~~~~~~ and obey the essentials nevertheless because the most important thing is to evoke the ratios of the 81 scales with the evokationnnn r,raaaatiiiioooooooossssss rrroooo o o oo oooooooo ooo oooo oooo ooo oo o oooooccciiinnnnn someway or something g gg saa aaa deeeefffitiaaannnoooonanoooownwwoowwwwiiisissssssssooononnonoonnneneeeeenwwwwwwwwananananannnnnnnndddoddoododooooooonenneonennnenenneneleleyllllelleelllllllllleylyyyllyylylllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy yyyy yyyy yyyyy yyy yyyyyyy yy yyy yy y yyy y yy y oh aayyylklleee nnnooo gl ,,, <><><><><><><>
jinnermerjinholweendddfuggyswoolennmarytakinandmealsotakinbackendddd ddd dd yyoouu aarreee ttoooo mmm m m m mm m m show fully playing ooomm m m my yyyyyyyy
-a morge official neeggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaasoooooffaarrriiiiiw ww. aa a aaaaaaaa mmaayyyaaannn mmmaaannnn iiiinnnn aa wwoomaannnss bboooddyyyyyyd yyyyyy yy yyy yyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wosdsonesiodsoooowwoiizaosiaowrddssaaakkkkwlelleelekrjfijjeiehunfruiuhrughny5n78tvy78y484eycn78y4t4my8tyvymtyyyt5myv4emyg87b5byy7yy785y75ny78y7y587e7iynuijvvjfdhudyiyyigiryjgjvy7yg8rjfgjhv6y5fyyng7y748y7yf4yyt4yyy4y4y8iy4y7yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy - ^ * * * * * good nighteningg g-- g g. now we are sad but just oonwwnnnneeellllllyyyyyyyyyy. sosooooooo sshhoorrrtttt mamanannttrraaaaa ttraaniningggggg ing in g gggggg ourrrr ttaannitttt rriiaaaol[opopooollllliiiccaaaalllllllliyuyeyeyyywywyywyyyyyyyy
people were too scared to take things symbolically so we made mistakes many of us scientifically by believing the well known miracle processes were eerrr reeallllll and I could say they are real because they are as you say but you should not only say that but should also be both because they are that spells of for times of the time of that spell as spells are for all times of course it should be while they also might just be said more eellyy camplingly(art sense) prepared
~middle world dreamer incorporated yomiee
I was going to say I was a pro tester by its sense but of what is not what is protestant 'I am catholic but not catholic I am christian' and I am not christian ,m bb rammyy bbbbbuuuttttt thereeee areeee ooccccaasssiiioooonnnssss beyond the church and it's undone being the inverse which is the pagan of what is not the crishtians the church the tchiches the fire in the sky lets the fusions be added even while the things below the the4 the ee e ^ rainbow are the horizons besides the water horizon which is the water floor while Confucius is fookin tr forrm auric iii at some level form level purple flower or rock ba ` 'bb b by yyyyyyyyy. I can rebuild the world in a like three days with everyone e ee eeE!E0-e-eellssse e while the truth can always anyways be called a cloud that never dieiie I? i e s, sdssooOo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm ooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the earth is par rrttt tty y gree e e Ee e e EE e en but is horisowneheyhyhhyheehhhhlelhl"lYYEEEEEEEEE^^^^^(lolol)^^eeeeeeAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE while even ram is rooted leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and the arm is just fit lei ppurpp pl ppllppplie ee ^ <>>^^E and when its again done be fore and again and again it is just part of krisxcvbhnaaasuhsuhhuuhhðjįh (Nithyanannda;lady) he e eee eeeeeeeeeee thats like all thiasssssssssssț ț ț ț ț
this little get together is hilarious like no more fake wwwwwaararararararrrrrssssssssss amr diab ids yesss.
so even less divergence yy y yy y y y Y ý
but first Mary will be like like like like then purple or red which one, then shell be like which one of those (now if it is the easiiiier way not including basically trained sssspecial sanyaiieess ss) while that will make it stressful, and then the answeerrrr is infinite shadows (or the skillful/sorcererly wizardlyknowledgedliedy ratios of wizardly pockets or of sorcererly things/regions or of deeper sorcererly environmental chi mage entire shades of the dimensions of the environment) which are the infinite shades that are in retrograde to the truth which is able to be the negative job of the sagic ability as well, while the next part is about if still dealing with each others guidance, a sure certain de escalation of many things and is instead about the more basic task of the present which can any of the three levels of knowledge determined by that conversation growth rate which in turn is the base philosophy miraculous dream experience nevertheless which (this is fakin ilarious) can be the stimulus of her hurricane twinkle coherence to her herricanes while the queen b is there to see ya bust your choggle by live to let be some koind of magi mage while if the time was of general divination perhaps astronomicalmagicplussurvivalmagic while the ratios can be that to with ascents into the mysticism of her wonder she seeks rather than the greatness she beads for by her big ole gorilla glue thuwmb oooommmmm. tttttttttt nse
so starklet womhint is totally gunna have a good settling as below as above and as ass aa as sa ass saaa saasasaaaass aaass ssaaaa sasaass asssss aaaassssss sssaaa ss asssaaa sssaaaaa ssaaa aasssssssss o p o p o p o p o p o p o p o p o p o p o p o p o p o s p s p s o s p o p s p s p s p s p s p s p s we ve got to get how to say things so we can say survival is mystical because it is what is to be learned simply also being what is then being both that and enjoyable. and as alway s remember choggles as get cut so indeed yes it is a gentle jerky look about being so moving and of clear and adding mind both while choggling a head a head a head a head a head a head. and nigga(bouncy bubby therebyhubbywubby), _ the Marys s s castle fun fun house house is always one foookin amethyst boading ball shakasqu^heeze away while the games of the different animal and insect styles of all cosmic types are there as angles of the solids have the 81 and 100 having 90 where the consciousness is through to beyond 81, and there is the liquid being found as liquidic intelligence at the constant of 108 of constantness, while the gas is of 144 field size between objects or perhaps fields while the 81 within is about the things within which the 27 could be about timing and the 9 could be about alignmenttherebyperspective while the teachings of the hero's are yet to be mastered yomiess. meditation will get yaoyuzergie there whoaaaaa.
making a certain kind of quick smakin horizonyaya^... ' owlson.
here's some koimnd of fuzzy furry soft set choggle jockin with the Urdu birds and the intergalactic harmonics being dreamy as a natural jewelry sweetness with the silky metametamorphisisvehicleclouds and the time all get to be pett ^t vishnutors.
humans reveal life beautiful when they obey indeed. time along the horizon topic of the way of the sun is the 17 which comes from five 81s from one day from four sets of 144 min and 1 from 576 minutes, while there is ten from 8 days by 252s and their basic overall 144 like the fourth 144 of each 576 min from each day, while each four days has its own 81 as well which comes from the four sets of 144 which come from a total of four 576 minutes having of course 144 each each each each each. 18 is like the other 4 days not in being as like as like as like lolololololol the hehehehehehahhahahahaahahahahaha im on the computer hahahahahah im always on the computer hahahahahahahaha dfunnn dunnnn duuuuuunnnnnnnnn compute ehmantra compute ehmanta compute ehmantra, wieeyyeeoo wizo><><><><><><><wizo, as as as the second one of the golden ratio in the end of the purpose of either andor mentalism and (4 or 8) days, while the 17 again is the whole nexus plexus deflexus of zhie whole masterpieeieeieeeieeeeccceeeeeee, and the 16 is the variable in a way magic style of design by sorcererly choice or of wizardlystructureandsorcererlyallowabilitymysticallllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy by how the 144 of four days being overall or most overall is missing in the frame of even base time or just the moment or just the structure of the pragma karma cule
the 18 th nu mb er of the golden ratio is the 4181 so that is as the 410 body wizard ratio of the Saturn harmonic in the 81 scaacaaaallleeeeeeesssssssss which has a complex magneticratioofchemistryperhaps from from from from from 81 itself of 4181 while that is as ten from each scale on the level of nine while the perhaps final as in that tens and ones place range 81 could just be the illuminationandorsignature of what is in dimension of the simulational intellectureeeaaaaallliiiiitttt tyy ramanara viegyspeghieitiititiiii i i, oh my give me the 7 neck fullyyy ufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufu uly dudududududududududududud dust on the sack of roof in me ee eee eeee, and the large spiderwebbb like settlinggggg, while the intensity of time anyway can possibly perhaps possibly let the more sorcererly frequencies of the shades of prevelance in constants and tendencies and sure future become more apparent by the thought of having the lights on is surely the end of the story.
vishnu is a you must do this while it sure, may have a to do this part if it is inferring or maybe it is or is not while though either way is just hidden
im just gunna plop on the truth of the momnt here by e a n a a n a > m m a r a ma rameet aramarhamaramahatavvmmeeey mey may ke^^^'^ey theey
ther auraics a jizzily wizzle giggle jiggle wizo wiggle,, mate. some shave4d ice drizzlululululule e e e e e eeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssss ppplllllleeeeeaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee