
I am experiencing inertia, or tamas in my Tantric lessons. As soon as I let go of a thought that definately feels healing I experience as sense of sleepiness that I cannot go that deep again. Is this fear, or the natural numbing after a release of blocked stuff? :roll:

It is natural in spiritual practice especially that based in Tantrik process of transformation of prana that tamas (lethargy) will predominate for sometime. Healing comes from prana increasing and moving to its home locations and functions. As this is a shift in energy patterns it is normal for that shift to bring about loss of discipline then tamas results. With persistent discipline in working with your prana this will pass. You are working past prior conditioning. Overtime new spiritual conditioning will predominate. namaste

Thank you Mukunda. I needed that response, as I felt at a lost. Going in is tough. I feel I am asking my layers to peel like an onion and then I get stung in the eye with some fear or past memory of self protection and just want to stop! Namaste, Zara :-?

Yoga Sutras says that best way to achieve successful spiritual practice is abhyasa and vairagya. consistent earnest practice over a long period and detachment from the results of that practice. So taking the longer view seeing bigger picture is most helpful. all is being worked on. in its own time it will be resolved. “no effort on the spiritual path goes to waste” - Swami Muktananda

namaste mukunda