Resorative shoulder postures

Hi I’ve been doing ashtanga a lot lately especially after learning flowing(jumping) back from sitting to chatarunga … A lot of pain also came when I float from downdog to sitting. Any restorative asanas I can do ?

I’m working on my posture too while jumping back or forward because my hand placement may be too wide, my teacher is not sure yet, they will have to look at it when I am more healthy again.

As a teacher and also someone who has had RTC surgery, I do not teach or advocate Chaturanga or floating from Down Dog to sitting. Alignment is critical and few are able to properly align. When there is pain, it is best to stop whatever it is that is causing it. (ahimsa) Ashtanga style yoga is fast moving and there is little time to properly align in each pose.

And yes, pinoyvegasyogi420 have your teacher take a look. But I am curious as to your last sentence stating, “when I am more healthy”. Can you please expand? It would be helpful for a more detailed response.

Thanks for the reply lotus girl. I just mean when the pain in my shoulder is gone my teachers will look at my form in floating or jumping back if it is proper.

I say this because yesterday I was taught a jumpback from half lotus(marichyasana b&d) and successfully did (hand placement may have been too wide) It was the only jumpback or float I did in my ashtanga practice yesterday since I did not want to stress my shoulder. So my teacher did not get a good look or critique my hand placement and alignment because I only showed him 1 jumpback yesterday.

So, any restorative poses for shoulders?

Do you “need” to do jumpbacks/floats?

As I don’t know what is causing the pain making a suggestion is difficult. I would first have your teacher (if they are qualified) assess your shoulder ROM. This would include your shoulder blades and how they move. Most students allow their chest to collapse in chaturanga due to lack of strength. Also have her/him look at your alignment in Tadasana. Suggestion for a restorative pose that is quite gentle and can easily be modified: ~Supported backbend. Can be done lying your torso over the long end of a bolster while sitting on a mat or lying on your mat with support under knees and shoulder blades (shoulders should be on mat). Play around with the height of the support. It is a nice and gentle chest opener.

Until your pain subsides and both you and your teacher know what the issue is and have adequately addressed it , I would refrain from any pose that would stress your shoulder. This would include poses such as Down Dog. Your teacher should be able to assist you with modifications.

Good luck and hope you heal soon.

I have had similar issue in my ashtanga practise at certain times eg when first learning to float to sitting, jumping back from in “position” etc.

When it flares up i stop doing full jump thrus/backs ie either walk, step back or miss a few vinyasas or easy jump throughs where my hands are on floor in front of hips etc.

[B][I][U]My personal experience shown me[/U][/I][/B] that,

  1. i need keep even pressure in whole hand in jump thrus

  2. in updog i need to focus on raising heart centre as opposed to chest and shoulders

  3. i can still perform whole primary series when shoulder is tender - i just modify asanas (they can be all modified to place less pressure shoulders) and transitions

  4. coming from a surfing and swimming background and going to ashtanga has shown that shoulder strength does not equal shoulder flexibility / mobility

Give it some rest, whether restorative poses or easy ashtanga. I practised ashtanga (jois style) for ten yrs and my shoulders are still ok and improving, just need be mindful of what your own shoulders are capable of