Resources for self-teaching?

Hi! I really want to get into yoga, but there’s nowhere near me that’s within my price range, or is at a convenient time. I know self teaching isn’t that great but it’s my only opportunity to get into yoga (I’m not expecting to be as good as those who take classes, though!), can anyone recommend any resources or DVDs for beginners?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=Xtensity;78473]There are many DVD’s for Yoga.

Truth be told, especially when it comes to asanas(postures), a teacher is a huge aid. Anyone can look up postures online and practice staying in them… but without complete bodily awareness, only someone who is experienced in Yoga will be able to point out subtle mistakes in your execution of the asana that could potentially be injuring you.

With that said, you can find many sources online! Just be extra careful and aware as you wont have a teacher to correct your mistakes![/QUOTE]

Thanks for the response! :slight_smile: With that in mind, would you recommend self-teaching or not trying yoga?

DVDs for beginners:
YogaWorks for Beginners AM/PM
Yoga Journal Yoga Step by Step #1
Prevention Better Belly Yoga
The No Om Zone, Kimberly Fowler
Yoga Zone beginner level dvds
YogaPulse DVDs with Anastasia
Quick Fix Total Mix Yoga & Pilates
Yoga Body Makeover DVDs with Sara Ivanhoe

Yes - instruction with a teacher is ideal - but not always possible. Here’s my 2 cents…

I have had good classes using yogaglo - an online class (both asana and meditation) format. It’s $18/month. They have beginner classes up to advanced. The beginner classes I’ve done are very instructional. The meditation classes with Harshada and the Yin classes with Felicia are exceptional in my opinion. (no affiliation - just a fan)

I’ve also downloaded classes from itunes - yoga2hear gives good instructions and I recommend it.

A good instructional DVD - with variations based upon your body condition - is one by Leslie Kaminoff called Breath Centered Yoga.

Good luck and yes…any yoga is better than NO yoga. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you like yoga after you tried to do it at home try to take some classes.

Hi Annie, Im in a similiar situation. There is one yoga class close to home but not worth the money. I think the only way to get a yoga teacher to guide you in your poses is to pay for private sessions and i definately cannot afford that. I have spent a lot of time reading online. Yoga journal is exceptional. I have a beginners dvd by Patricia Waldon, thanks inner athelete! I have probably watched almost every beginners video at you tube, some I liked and some I didn’t. Trying to teach myself I strained my back. I know exactly what happened and it could have been avoided. I tried to rush things. Go slow and take the advice of the people here and you should do fine. Good luck Annie!! I may try the online classes that Kris has mentioned. It would be nice if you could turn your webcam on to let a teacher view you and correct your mistakes. Keep us informed :slight_smile:

My yoga online has classes for $9.95 a month.

I am indebted to yogatoday, on youtube and their own site

My yoga class is at the ymca (inexpensive)
I also use videos from Yoga Vidya International on line they are very good imho

I know about a self teaching yoga program if you interested send me a mssg