Rheumatoid Arthritis

My mother was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis about 5 years ago. The medicines doctors have prescribed for her never seem to work. I was watching the news last week and saw a woman with RA talking about how yoga therapy has helped her become more mobile. Do you believe that it could work for my mother? Some days she can’t even get out of bed because she hurts so bad. Thank you for your time. If it will help, could you tell me how to get her started on it? Thanks again.

Learning Yoga Breathing (specifically the wave motion of ujjaye pranayama as described in my book - Structural Yoga Therapy) can help a great deal with management of pain. In addition I would recommend getting the Yoga Therapy for Knees and Shoulders reprint from Yoga International magazine or from my Website boutique. It has articles on Yoga and Arthritis. Also I would recommend the arthritis diet from my teacher Indra Devi. I have attached it below for you. This works wonders if your mother will restrict her diet for 10 days.