Root Chakra: Fear

When fear turns into freedom ?
[INDENT]it’s served its purpose[/INDENT]

Riding fear
brings us to the source of self

Fear is only so powerful
as we give it room to be ?
[INDENT]bring it in close[/INDENT]

Remain open

See ? you?re free?

Fear and peace rest side by side

Choice is ours which will abide.

Fear is constant, or so it seems

While realized peace is only for dreams.

Pairs of opposites, reaching for one

Exhausting our Self when day is done.

Finding space between thoughts…the calming effect

Awareness of present you will perfect.

Freedom from attachment you soon will see,

will finally allow you to "just be."

We are born with love acquire the disease of fear, Yoga the antidote.


Well put Flex!

If nothing else -
fear is a great teacher…

Find those things you fear -
and then look @ them.


Follow your thought through…“if fear is a great teacher”…what then does it teach us?

Tracing fear to the source one finds the cause a sense of separation when your world is no longer separate fear dissolves.

Fear teaches us
[li]Where we are blocked energetically[/li][li]What things close us off or closes us down from being fully present[/li][li]Where we are stuck and unable to move on and grow[/li][li]How our minds work[/li][li]How to gain control over ourselves: mentally, emotionally, physically, etc…[/li][li]Where a great source of energy is and how to tap into it[/li][li]To be more aware of both ourselves and the world around us[/li][li]To be friends with ourselves, which in turn, opens us to compassion, empathy, and understanding[/li][li]How to transverse the unknown[/li][li]The Path to Freedom[/li][/ul]
These being just a few things fear teaches us…

Heart opening exercises (such as camel) are a great way to get students to overcome their fears.

Right you are Yogibear23! I have found groin and some upper hamstring exercises are useful to put us up against that wall/threshold, which in turn, gives rise to fear - not from vulnerable/opening issues (heart), but from the painful/repressed side of things…

fear I think helps us recognize ourselves - brings us to terms with things we don’t want to accept as reality, and eventually opens us up to being in a more commanding position of ourselves