Ruptured Diverticuli

I have a student recovering from a ruptured diverticuli. How can I help her? Should I go with breathing and relaxation only?

Dear DSexton,

I think you are directing your question to Mukunda? Best to post to his Q&A if so. This forum is general discussion group.


** I have moved this post to the Q&A – Chris (administrator)

I assume you mean diverticuli to colon, as this is the most common site, though there can be this same situation in the bladder. Diverticuli is a pocked in the lining of these organs and it causes problems when waste material gets held inside of the pocket and putrifies creating bacterial infections and worse.
A colon cleanser product would be most helpful with colon situation. I would recommend Turkey Rheubarb herb found at Herb Finders in Utah at 435-652-9593. they can send samples and literature on this amazing herb that not only cleanses the alimentary canal it also tones the muscular lining promoting better regularity.
For problem in the bladder the need is to continue to hydrate the body taking half your body weight in ounces of pure water daily. Especially important is taking large amount, say 16-20 oz. upon arising.
As far as yoga is concerned, student can do the entire joint freeing series and ujjaye pranayama especially with intercostal motions, regardless of which site it is.