Sacroiliac joint

Dear Mukunda, hope you are well. I am writing with questions about the sacroiliac joint-mine in particular. I have had other joint pain (and saw you in Calgary about that-Vata displaced and now my SI has gotten into the game-slight since Feb and more active in April. My questions are: 1) what are my best resources to learn about the SI joint? I have Mary Pulig Shatz (which has helped me some) Anatomy of movement (which has kind of helped me understand the movement) and read and reread Judith Lasater?s article from Yoga Journal Last year. I have also been lucky to work with Judith 2 weeks ago when she visited Calgary but I still need to know more. My symptoms are pain/ache about the size of a quarter on the right SI joint and recently some low back tightness, almost spasming on the right side. I think (still not sure because it?s been hard to get it settled down) it?s irritated by hugging knees into the chest and forward bending (hip flexion) which, as I understand moves the SI through it?s maximum ROM. I also noticed pain after doing cobra/locust. At your Calgary session in March I irritated it doing Right leg extension and flexion of the knee and you adjusted me to allow more external rotation on the right leg. I still notice any lifting of the right leg while sitting irritates. What I have been doing for 1 week is Shatz?s recommended rocking to identify protruded SI. I identify the right side, but it?s the sore side, protrusion is difficult to know for sure. I have found some success by pulling in the right knee to chest and levering with the left leg straight and lowering to the ground but MOSTLY with the left leg straight and abducting-that really seems to adjust me and it lengthens my right leg, which is shorter. Also Judith told me over the 2-day workshop that I was left side posterior, then anterior then posterior again. She also left me with some strengtheners. I would like to know as much as possible re: assessing the SI to know what?s really up with me or any future students, how does pain on one side reflect that it may represent STUFF on the other side and what to avoid while SI is irritated - If anyone knows for certain, as well as tried and true strengtheners. I recognize each case is individual. Sorry to be so long winded but I am eager to nip this and learn as much as I can. Thank you for allowing this exchange and looking forward to your return to Calgary in JUNE. Smile and breath, M

On an energy level, which I believe is the causation of s/I distress, meditate more often deeper, with intention to restore apana prana to its home in the lower abdomen and pelvic region. Ask yourself what do I need to learn and see what your inner teacher says. Ask with faith and confidence that the guidance is there and that the Divine is there to protect and guide you in all your affairs. Do this with sincerity and what you need will be provided fully? Then also do the following.

Main reference I would suggest outside of what you have mentioned is to look at my website recommended reading to see you have covered all primary recommendations there first. More advanced reading would be the Low Back Pain Syndrome book of the 7 book Pain Series by Rene Cailliet, MD, published by FA Davis Co… In addition you can look for Physical Examination of the Spine and Extremities by Stanley Hoppenfeld, MD, Orthopedics published by Appleton-Century-Crofts, NY. The other factors are to strengthen the gluteus Maximus by doing legs in external hip rotation and extension from a variety of basic poses – locust, cobra, sunbird, and any other creative motions you can generate. Do them mildly and avoid hip flexion that are clearly painful to you.

Comment on sacroiliac - Good to hear your answer on this one about sacroiliac pain and rotation of the pelvis. She’s making some big assumptions. My pelvis twists like this because of an accident that really knocked the right si joint out. After seeing an osteopath – chiropractors misdiagnosed twice- I now know what yoga poses are beneficial, but it first took structural correction by a professional. C

I agree. It often requires careful analysis of such a condition and is not something I can comment on from a distance without seeing in person. In this case student has records of my findings as I taught in her area of the country. Without my records i cannot comment further.