Sacroiliac pain

I am suffering from sacroiliac pain in the right side. I visited a chiropractor but it doesn’t cure me completely. After some time the pain returns quickly. An x-ray was taken and I suppose that my pelvis is slightly rotated forward on the right side. Please let me know what postures I can use to get rid of this problem permanently?

I love hearing a request for a permanent solution to a repetitive problem. The permanent solution is stop identifying your Self as being a physical body. The short-term solution for the body issue is to mobilize the sacroiliac properly. The following exercise does that and needs to be done regularly until the new pattern is established as a reflex. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet to the right side, so that the right foot points back beside the hip and left foot is adjacent to the right knee. If you are stiff and unable to sit comfortably erect, then place sufficient padding under your pelvis to make it comfortable to be erect and move. Avoid leaning so far to one side that your hand needs to support you on the floor. The first movement is to pelvic tilt back and forth from iliac crest (top of pelvis) exhaling as you contract your belly. 12X or until you feel the motion becoming smooth whichever takes longer. Your are looking for a feeling of release (Kriya) in the tissue, energy, or emotion that will react to the motions. The second motion is to take the top of the right thigh (not pelvis) and move it into internal and then external hip rotation. During internal hip rotation your pelvis will lift from the floor, during external rotation your ischial tuberosity (sitz bone) will touch the floor. 12X then reverse legs and repeat. This should be done before any exercises or asanas.