
It is beautiful .it is an important part of yoga ,
Blissful feelings today to all my bothers and sisters
Peace and cheers

Satsang means Satya Ke Sang… In satsang we knows about our self.

very important

There is no need for elaboration or rationale for some things. Satsang is one of them. The ‘sat’ of the company rubs in and that is good for us.

But there is one possible reason, just as some food for thought. When the thoughts are generated in the front lobe of the brain, the wanton unfulfilled desires get released from ajna chakra into the environment. The incurably self-centered or hopelessly negative people pollute their vicinity as others take those vibrations in as sensory input to their thought-making. This is akin to and worse than passive smoking. Satsang is great as its opposite.

guru satsangs says what you need to hear in the moment, guru knows whats best to you

Satsang is “satya” ke sang or “santon” ke sang …ie in the company of the truth /also in the company of saints.

A typical Satsang involves a fixed number of times a week, chanting divine chants, prayers, listening to discourses and meditation. The routine keeps the mind at a higher level preventing it from attachment to worldly matters. And thus keeps us tuned for spiritual life.