Savasana Lightness

Dear Mukunda:
A “light” question from Toronto: A student’s arms float up spontaneously during Savasana. What advice would you give? As for my levitating lady, first her hands start to ascend an inch or two and then eventually her elbows lift as well. We’re talking about and angle of about 25-30 degrees. It is out of her control, but she does find that the circulation leaves her arms and hands. She’s not anxious about it, but curious. She is in her early 60’s, a new but enthusiastic yoga student. I spoke to a Zen Buddhist colleague, whose take on it according to his teachings is that there too much energy in the head, probably breath caught high in the chest and energy needs to become more grounded, more apana. This is in a semiprivate class that she enjoys with her best friend and neighbor, who is also delightful. They are very interested in many other aspects of yoga other than Asana and ask many questions over tea. I would like to add that this class is a real gift and delight for me to teach. There you go…looking forward to your reflections.

How delightful. Perhaps they are getting close to levitation pose.

As for your levitating lady. I would say it is due to increasing udana prana, which is a wonderful sign of spiritual evolution. I would not necessarily try to ground her but rather promote more time to be spent in meditation seated not lying. The fact that she reacts to supported child also confirms this. This is a deeply introspective posture. I would also read to her from the Yoga Sutras especially from II, 46 to end of the chapter and also from chapter one about yoga meditation and Patanjali’s techniques for achieving samadhi which is I, 1-39. Meditation practice will support the evolution of udana prana into an awakening of the spirit.

The signs of bodily instability are not much of a concern for me provided she has an avenue into meditation with an experienced teacher. One who does not know meditation from their own experience will tend to work on the physical body only and ignore these signs of the subtle body’s evolution. It is more important to evolve the soul than to ground the body. Ideal is a mixture of both as the old saying goes – so that your feet are on the earth yet head in the cosmos.