Sciatica Pain

I need your advice. My right hip (sciatica pain) has really been hurting. My whole right side is not as flexible as my left, and now my right side lower back is starting to burn. It hurts most when I lay flat on back, no bent knees, like Shavasana. Is that a disk problem? Which exercise would you recommend from your book? Thanks so very much. Look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, TC

With sciatica that is irritated vata (stress). Major need is to relax, eat and sleep consistently. Most common need is to strengthen the external hip rotators you can look in my book for examples of what does that I find doing sunbird with leg turning outward is often best way to do this. Gentle backbends like cobra and locust, which focus on strength and not stretch, can help. Also avoid contraindicated motions, which are all forward bends. Especially do not stretch hamstrings. For more chronic issues a colonic or enema may be helpful too. The seat of the problem is often colon issue – diet irregularity, too much travel, or suppressed fear. This is such a common problem you will see many questions on this topic – so do a search under sciatica at my Website for more ideas.