
I have two sciatica clients, in Denver, who I have been helping with
Yoga Therapy for 2 months. I am writing to ask for your advice. They both
have gained benefit from the Joint Freeing Series, hydrotherapy and
Ayurvedic advice. However they both have had painful relapses recently and
I thought you would know what to tell them as to what to expect for recovery
time. Neither of them has patience and this of course is part of the
syndrome. The man is Pitta with vata provocations (type A pushing). The
woman is Vata with Pitta provocations. She always gets emotional when she is
touched by any healer and is confused about why. I feel like her
psychotherapist and know she is on a brink. Suggestions?

Question #2- I wonder if you know any great literature that you recommend
for sciatica clients, or literature that I can find on the net on successful
treatments and strategies?

This condition often takes long term management. In about
half the cases there is a cure and no more symptoms but then there does the
other half need to be changing their protocols roughly seasonal. As a vata
displaced condition, it is quite common for there to be a need for profound
relaxation and change in life direction to relieve the deeper pushing of
vata. When vata is displaced it is a force that is trying to change your
thoughts, emotions, prana (all the koshas) into a life nurturing direction.
Until that is clear there is pain and discomfort. Psychotherapy is often
needed to get behind the emotional and mental fog that arises from the
imbalance of vata and Pitta which will manifest as vata’s memory loss and/or
loss of pitta’s discernment quality. Spiritual counseling and searching for
the inner teacher is the deeper need however. Thus a psychotherapist doing
sadhana can bring wonderful relief and support for the need of regular
sadhana for these suffering clients.

     Q2- I wonder if you know any great literature that you recommend

for sciatica clients, or literature that I can find on the net on successful
treatments and strategies?

A2 - No I don’t, but I suggest Yoga Research and Education Center as a resource for all Yoga Therapy literature searches.