
I’m looking for tips for working with a client with scleroderma, diagnosed 6/05. Her biggest symptoms are fatigue and extreme tightness, especially in upper body.

For the symptoms of tightness one should work to feel the shift in the connective tissues large bands notably the lower back’s lumbo sacral fascial band and the lateral thigh - iliotibial band. posts to do the first include revolving head to knee pose or twists most likely the lying jathara parivartanasana. For the second standing side bend both feet on the ground (swaying tree pose) or lying twist with top leg extended, hip flexed and slighted rotated. In all cases it is looking for the warming feeling of stretch these are quite modified from given instructions to produce the effects i am mentioning.

  For the fatigue of course focus on vata balancing via yoga nidra, restorative poses, prolonged subtle ujjaye pranayama gradually adding on pause (kumbhaka).  namaste