
My question relates to structure and function. I am a 47yo male with a marked scoliosis in L4, 5& S1. Whilst I was probably born with it, many years of top grade field hockey further exaggerated the problem. I have practiced yoga regularly since age 30 and have been teaching Yoga full time since 1995. I am more immersed in Yoga therapy in recent years, mostly influenced by AG Mohans approach. I wondered if you had any suggestions as pain in the right hip and most of the muscle groups in this region e.g. adductors, flexors etc has worsened over the past 18 months.

My guess from your brief description is that there is weakness in the gluteus maximus and hamstrings. A common finding is that the muscles directly below the site of pain are weak. You mention adductors, flexors etc has worsened, but what specifically do you mean? Can you tell if they are tight or weak? Among the most beneficial poses for that region of the spine is locust, Salabhasana. With scoliosis I often have students do the practice with the legs off centered and depending upon what is weak, single or double leg. In general for pain increase your time spent with ujjaye pranayama and meditation/prayer that takes you beyond your body.