Searching for Sanskrit pronunciation of asanas

Hello all,
After a google search I can not seem to find audio files for the Sanskrit pronunciation of asanas.
I did find cd’s - hmm I am all digital don’t even own a cd player anymore
I did find a windows based file - hmmm, got rid of that inferior system years ago
I did find something else that required flash- hmmmm, that would not be compatible with my iPad and I phone which is what I would use to study since they are both extremely portable :frowning:

It is a Mac based apple world these days and I see a opportunity for a business idea here- LOl but seriously, I just want to study
Any have any ideas???
thanks in advance

There are some websites that give introductory lessons in sanskrit. As I understand it, sanskrit is a phonetic language and the words are pronounced exactly as they are spelled. You can start with the Devanagari alphabet and the roman transliterations, and learn the pronunciation of the individual letters, along with the diacritical marks. I’m not sure you can do that from your iphone, but the materials are out there.

Thanks Asuri,
Yes, I could even purchase Rosetta stone as they offer Sanskrit as well, but I don’t think I am committed to learning the entire language at the moment as there is so much to learn about yoga. Perhaps, someone else knows if such an audio file exists to make my studying a bit easier.

I’m not suggesting that you learn the entire language. I am, however, suggesting that you learn the abc’s, just in case you don’t find exactly what you’re looking for. I know that there are audio files that teach the pronunciation of the individual letters (maybe not for iphone).

I know it’s not what you’re looking for - as it’s a ‘manual’ system but for others who may be interested (or less technically inclined), I’ve always thought this flash card deck would be valuable.