Seeking no answers

As a seeker I seek not anwsers but change. And life always prove this to me.

Change for its own sake is not seeking. Seeking is when change is the answer.

[QUOTE=Suhas Tambe;71107]Change for its own sake is not seeking. Seeking is when change is the answer.[/QUOTE]

A conflicted mind always seeks reason for an answer but life always change in its season, life always change even onto death, for this is change in itself.

Change happens, awareness occurs, mind is conflicted.

Change is an effect, life is its cause, mind stands by.

Awareness of life changes the change.

Mind dissolves, awareness merges in life that is changeless.

Many people have suggested going to court for an emergency motion to ask a judge for a temporary order to have the child returned. Is this a complicated process? Do you need a lawyer to help out at this stage? Can you just simply fill the forms and file with court?

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.