Sexual Vitality

Q 1 - I have always gotten good advice from you. This time it is a very “intimate question”, I hope you will not get offended. I need advice for a man who is 45 years old, no medical problems he knows of, but not really fit, no medications at all. He has problems with erection; it is just about 50-70 %, is there anything you could suggest to help? I am sure he?ll be very committed to trying what you could offer. Thank you for getting back to me. Let me give you some details: 45 years old, 5-10lb overweight; healthy, active in his work and at home; lot of physical work, in his business and around the house too; walking with his dogs but no fitness routine, cholesterol a little high, does not eat junk-food, has a couple of glasses of wine with dinner; stress-level pretty high, runs a good business, good father to 2 children, living with him part-time

Q 2 ? He has a girlfriend, intimate 2-3 times a week, not living together; intimate times are very long because it is stop and that is the picture… what can you suggest… what do you usually recommend men with this kind of problem… what could be the cause…Thank you again

A 1 - I need more information - perhaps he should email question to me instead of you take you out of loop unless you both want it this way – is he overweight, what type of shape, does he exercise, does he have an intimate partner, live in or ? How sexually active is he? Namaste

A 2 ? I am assuming many points ? that his stress levels are normal and that he is fit with no medical reasons for such complaints. Given this I would encourage that he approach sexual relations with a relaxed body and an open heart. Sometimes this is due to many issues such as not really making love but having sex; constipation; incompletion with former partner; pressure to perform, etc. So let us consider that these are not the problem and address physical and pranic exercises that can stimulate virility and libido.

        First of all I would like to give a different attitude for sexual activity.  In Tantrik Yoga the penis is called the lingam, a word that means ?wand of light? and the vagina is called Yoni meaning ?Source or Sacred space?.  Thus the spiritual intercourse is returning the wand of light to its home in the Sacred Space within himself.  The experience of being with his partner is the process of giving his Light to her Sacredness.  There are a progressive series of 15 Tantrik Lessons that I have created for opening your own spiritual energies through the first 11 lessons until you are prepared for sharing energies within a loving sexual (Red Tantra) or spiritual (White Tantra) practice.  Anyone may receive them just by asking through my email - [email][/email]

        Among the yoga poses that are my series in chapter 17 of Structural Yoga Therapy for Optimizing Mobility and Strength.  I would do the whole series but especially focus on the energetics and physical opening that comes with rolling bridge and the variations of groin stretch.  This series can open up many emotions but especially those related to sensuality and sexuality.   After the series then I would also encourage doing Yoni Mudra moving downward from the third chakra, centered at the navel.  The second chakra is centered at the bladder then to the first in which the Yoni Mudra would envelope his genitals.  In each position, the Yoni Mudra is to be pressed to his body with emphasis on the lower point of the first fingers.  Once moving to the first chakra this pressure will be applied to the perineum at that point work strongly on Mula Bandha by pulling up on the PC muscle group that lay in the pelvic floor.  By building up the power of these muscles his lingam will begin to lift up.  By alternately tensing the muscles while pressing the perineum then relaxing these motions, his lingam will bob up and down gradually growing into a stronger erection.  Once half a forceful erection is achieved then he should begin a massage from the ?base? of the lingam to the ?root?.  The base is the upper most attachment of the lingam to the body, located at the top of the pubic bone.  From that ?base? spot the lingam is attached via a ligament to its ?root? below the lower edge of the pubic bone where it enters the pelvis.  This 2 inch length of lingam rarely receives attention and is filled with prana.  By massaging the lingam away from the body at its two connective attachments along the length of the pubic bone a greater energy will fill the lingam. This is best done by himself alone and when he learns what pressures create arousal then it can be lovingly given him by his partner.  Energy is light in its most pure pitta form; in vata?s form it is sensitivity and sensual arousal; and in kapha it becomes muscular stamina and love.  All three expressions of Ayurvedic balance can be achieved when this is done with sensitivity, love, and detachment from needing a specific result. One of the three may happen don?t concern yourselves with having all three.  Let me know if this is of benefit.  Blessings

In Ayurvedic literature there is an entire field of specialization in aphrodisiacs and related herbology for the promotion of natural sensuality and sexual expression. There are two herbs I am familiar with that help to enhance libido. Ashwaganda ?the strength of 100 horses? is for men and shatavari ?one who possesses a hundred husbands? is for women. Details of their use are in The Yoga of Herbs by David Frawley and Vasant Lad. In addition Ayurveda describes the massage of 122 vital points or marmas that can promote the flow of prana to debilitated regions when massaged. One point that may be helpful in this situation is vitapa, located a finger width lateral to the pubic symphsysis where the spermatic cord passes. If there has been an injury to this site, it can cause impotency in men or women according to Ayurveda and Marma Therapy ? Energy Points in Yogic Healing by David Frawley, Subhash Ranade and Avinash Lele. namaste Mukunda

How abt cannabis, bhang etc

Indeed cannabis, ganga when taken with respect and love of the Mother Ganga who is its source is a wonderful benefial herb for enhanced vitality. Many aghora and naga yogis use it ritualistically as part of their rites often after prolonged fasting and purification rites. namaste mukunda