Shalabasana- Hand position

what is the exact position of hands when one does shalabasana? What has been told to me in one of the courses is " to fold your fingers locking the thumb and place the fists below the navel"; However, while go through some books, I have a different version of shalabasana. What is the right way of doing this asana

Each school of yoga has its own variation, try the version your teacher is teaching and if it does not work for you then ask your teacher about the other variations.


No such “exact” position. It depends on your abilities and limitations.

If possible, pull your arms in underneath, as close together as possible, with the palms turned flat to the floor. Some folks may find this difficult, mostly across the elbows. If you feel too much pain, then make a fist. If it’s still too much, then turn your palms facing up against your thighs. No need to lock fingers, but touching one hand to the other gives you greater stability.

There will almost always be some pain in the elbows during the pose, but if it does not persist, for example, if you do not feel it the next day, then you’ll be ok and eventually that pain will go away as you become stronger. Try it with fists.

hope that helps,

In the Iyengar system the palms face the earth.

I was referring to this one.


More aligned with the OP’s question. Thank you.