Short Leg

Dear Mukunda, I was hoping you could help me with a new student who has been doing yoga on his own for a few months. He has one leg that is 3/4" shorter than the other…this is something he was born with…it is not just one hip higher than the other – a muscle/skeleton imbalance it is actually in the femur. How should I guide him in his standing poses … he is wondering if he should wear his shoes with the lift in the one shoe for his yoga? Many thanks once again for your help. Wishing you love, light and peace.

I would recommend he do standing poses with shoes on. Otherwise poses will create hip and lower back troubles. All other poses he can do without shoes. Blessings Mukunda

You said to do standing yoga with shoes on, other asanas without shoes if one leg is shorter because of bone structure rather than muscle tightness. What about mat yoga which involves pressing feet into the mat like desk, rolling bridge, etc. I am thinking about a future student who had a foot accident. I have yet to see her if you need a better description. Thanks, A

If the lower leg is shortened then this will be of benefit for bridge and variations. In my experience if upper leg is shortened student will tend to automatically self correct though minor adjustment might be need to keep pelvis level.