Shoulder AB/Adduction

With JFS #13 (Shoulder AB/Adduction) if I stabilize and adduct the
scapulae, I cannot bring my elbows to touch in front but I feel I am working
and strengthening the correct muscles. Is this correct or am I way off
track? Please advise.

Sounds like you are doing fine here too but your language is incorrect,
making me question what you are attempting to do. When you adduct the
scapula the shoulders will tend to abduct, thus bringing the elbows wide.
You can adduct the scapula while abducting the shoulders but that is not
what this motion is intending to create. When scapula are abducted, reverse
is true. Learn to feel these as separate motions not one.

Thanks for your reply but your response to part 2 of my question confuses
me. I understand that when scapulae are adducted, the shoulder joint is
Abducted and vice versa but can you abduct the shoulder independently of the Scapulae adducting and conversely, adduct the shoulder independently of the Scapulae adducting?

Yes this is possible but only to a limited range of motion.

Don’t these movements tend to go together?

No they are contrary to natural motions

With regards to JFS #13, here is my question put a bit differently: when you bring the elbows together in front (i.e.: shoulder adduction) are you supposed to resist the natural tendency for the scapulae to abduct (i.e.: separate) or try to keep them stabilized (more or less adducted) on the back? This is actually impossible to do if you want to bring the elbows together in front so
perhaps I’ve answered my own question. Nevertheless, I’d appreciate any
feedback you may offer on this. Thanks again.

Correct you have answered your own question. Good, just continue to think as you are and responses of what is natural will be forthcoming. Yoga is to seek natural motions in most cases; unnatural motions are sometimes therapeutic but not to be used if there is no problem.