Shoulder position

I have been reading Structural Yoga Therapy (SYT). I enjoy it greatly. thank you very much.

I have been practicing yoga for about 2 years and dealing with lower back problems for 3 years.

I have many questions. :slight_smile: I will submit them separately so that the individual Q&A may benefit others. I suspect that my questions are likely to be considered elementary. Forgive me, I do not have a teacher or anyone (other than a PT who is a yoga therapist) to help me.

In Warrior I and Joint Freeing Series (JFS) shoulder flexion, should the shoulders be raised as in maximizing the height of the fingers, or should the shoulders be held in the oft-phrased “down and back”.

This is different than the upward and slightly backward spinal extension found in many Sun Salutations?



This motion is an isolated movement intended to affect only the shoulder joint. Therefore the scapula should go back and down rather than lifting with the arms. In the sun Salutation, the motion is not an isolation of the shoulders but rather shoulder flexion plus spinal extension. By doing a backbend the shoulder girdle will be in a fixed position. mukunda