I tend to hunch my shoulders, carry my stress there. I also have degenerative discs and the nerve canal to my left arm is impinged. Put it all together and I’d like to stay as loose as possible in my neck and shoulders. What yoga positions would you recommend for someone like me (large, not very flexible). Thank you for any suggestions.
As you have a problem with the discs it is very important to go to a properly qualified and experienced teacher, you must also be very clear with the teacher about your condition so that you can use yoga asana safely and effectively.
Without a teacher you could very easily do more harm than good. …you could also easily be harmed by a teacher who is not experienced in dealing with clients with your type of condition. Do not be shy to ask a potential teacher lots of questions about their experience and what they know about conditions such as yours. If you are not satisfied walk away and try a different teacher.
Good luck.
I recommend a set of following Yoga asanas, which helps to manage soreness and stiffness of neck and shoulders.
The following asanas are recommendable, in case of mild to moderate cervical spondylitis or spondylosis; stiffness of neck and shoulders; and also prevent further deterioration of condition. The same can also be practice in case of whiplash.
The asans for relieving neck and shoulder pain are :
- Utthita Trikonasan (Extended Triangle pose)
- Utthita Parsvakonasan (Extended Side Angle)
- Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)
- Supta Virasan (Reclining Hero Pose)
- Uttanasan (Forward Extension)
- Bhujangasan (Cobra Pose)/ Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Dog pose face up)
- Adho Mukha Svanasan (Downward Dog Pose)
- Parvatasan (Mountain Pose)
- Gomukhasan ( Cow Face Pose)
- Bharadvajasan (Seated Side Twist or Bharadwaj’s twist)
- Marichyasan C (modified – Dedicated to the Marichi)
- Setu Bandha Sarvangasan- modified (Neck Balance with Back Arch)
NOTE: To reap maximum benefits. - One should practice above set of asanas, 3 to 4 days a week.
- Asanas should be practiced as per mentioned sequence.
- It strongly advised to practice Yoga asanas under guidance and supervision of an experienced Yoga teacher or a Yoga Therapist for at least 2 to 6 sessions on one on one basis. It is also recommended to learn Yoga asanas from Yoga teacher belonging to Yoga styles such as IYENGER YOGA, ASTHANGA YOGA, ASTHANGA VINYASA, VINIYOGA and POWER YOGA.
[QUOTE=davemchine;75850]I tend to hunch my shoulders, carry my stress there. I also have degenerative discs and the nerve canal to my left arm is impinged. Put it all together and I’d like to stay as loose as possible in my neck and shoulders. What yoga positions would you recommend for someone like me (large, not very flexible). Thank you for any suggestions.[/QUOTE]
Common stress/tension you carry in your neck and shoulders, like many people, is due to over activity of the nerves and musculature of the ribs and shoulders, in the act of breathing: what yogi’s call “active inhalation;” actively lifting the ribs and shoulders or holding them up contantly to inhale and then relaxing with exhalation. Asana will definitely help, but you want to try and reverse that habit throughout the course of the day to “active exhalation/passive inhalation,” by empahsizing deeper EXHALATION. Anytime you become aware of tension, you feel it creeping up on you, exhale completely, with some force, through the nose, using your abs to squeeze every bit of air out. Hold it out a few counts. Then slowly let the air come back in passively, through the nose: you will feel the air come back in without working. See if you don’t feel different.
There are going to be sequences of posturs for you if you are up to a yoga therapy and no one can prescribe that to you online. You have to meet a yoga therapist. Find a Iyengar certified yoga teacher, they will help you out with their props and teaching methods.
Get well soon.
Peace & love
Ps: Repose in every pose, and lungs breathing to pump the heart to keep your blood circulating.
[QUOTE=davemchine;75850]I tend to hunch my shoulders, carry my stress there. I also have degenerative discs and the nerve canal to my left arm is impinged. Put it all together and I’d like to stay as loose as possible in my neck and shoulders. What yoga positions would you recommend for someone like me (large, not very flexible). Thank you for any suggestions.[/QUOTE]