Shri Sai Baba

Dear Mukunda,

One of my students is moving back to USA, and has presented me with a lovely gift. It is a book of the stories and life of Shri Sai Baba, a Bhakti of Shirdi. He took his Mahasamadhi in 1918. He has been the Guru of my student’s Brahmin family for several generations. I have only begun to read the book, but there are many teachings which are similar to those which I have received through you. I understand that Sad-Guru takes many (all) forms, and it is practice to recognize this Oneness in all things at all times, and to release our attachment to this illusion of the little self who suffers.

Here is a piece from the book:
“without God’s grace, we do not get the desire to listen to the stories of saints. With God’s grace everything is smooth and easy. Hearing the stories of the saints is, in a way, keeping their company. The importance of the company of the saints is very great. It removes our body-consciousness and egoism, destroys completely the chain of our birth and death, cuts asunder all the knots of the heart, and takes us to God, Who is pure consciousness.”

As I enjoy reading books written by Muktananda and Prakashananda, this one too seems to draw my mental state out of it’s constant motion and I feel rested and more deeply within my true nature after reading from it.

My question is whether or not you are familiar with Sai Baba and his teachings?

With Great Respect and Love,

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chandra on 2002-05-30 08:09 ]</font>

Chandra -
Yes I am familiar with Sai Baba of Shirdi. I heard of him through baba Muktananda. Baba kept his picture in a loving manner throughout the NY and Indian ashrams. I went on a pilgrimage to several sites one of which was to Shirdi. I was only there for an afternoon to visit the samadhi (gravesite) of Sai Baba. It was a large facility offering free food to devotees and had a lovely samadhi shrine there with many artifacts of Sai Baba’s life. There were many personal objects on display and photos of where he used to sit and give darshan. I was particularly impressed with the fire that had been buring continuously since his samadhi over 70 years previous. The shrine is largely in silver with a lifesize white marble state of Sai Baba. Many stories of devotees having their pains and suffering removed from being there.
The current Sai Baba of south India is said to be an incarnation of this original Sai Baba of Shirdi. I cnnot vouche for this as i have not met him in the flesh. Indra Devi, my favorite hatha yoga teacher, was a great devotee of his for many years. She showed me a large carot diamond ring that Sai Baba had manifested for her. She had his photo on her bedroom altar.
