SI mobilization series + practice question

Dear Mukunda,

I did a private session with you during your June visit to the Yoga House in Pasadena. I was having pain around the right hip, low back, and upper buttock. You diagnosed me with right internal hip rotation above average, left internal hip rotation below average, external hip rotation above average on both sides. You further diagnosed bowed legs and the left sacroiliac moving down. You recommended strengthening adductors, right hip externals, and hip internal rotation, as well as stretching the left iliotibial band and internal hip rotators. You taught me and gave me the instructions for the sacroiliac mobilization series (and several other stretches).

I did the SI mobilization series daily for a couple of weeks and found that the hip/back pain was worse. When I laid off, it improved. I have a 4-5 times per week asana practice (mix of yin yoga and vinyasa flow–lots of suraya namaskr). During classes and practice my hip feels very good and flexible. Often in the mornings (the day after practice or not) the hip is sore. I’ve started the SI mob. series up again the past few days and find that the right hip is much more mobile than the left. The pain in the right hip has increased relative to before starting the SI series again. I’m wondering if I was doing the SI series wrong or just gave up on it too easily.

Another question about the mix of practice between classes, regular asana practice, and SYT asana practice. I find that if I do all of the SYT asanas you recommend, it takes a good 45 minutes. That’s a substantial chunk of the 60 to 90 minutes I usually practice. My classes run 90 minutes and I usually don’t warm up with the SYT series before class. Any recommendations on balancing among these (wonderful) options?


Robert Mittman

that could be the case. when the si series causes pain you need to elevate your hips. There should never be pain from any yogic practice and especially this one. The pain which is in the body is to be lessened or removed from yoga. When it does not do that the practice must be modified immediately. I suggest you go back to my program with that in mind and correspond to me directly via email - or a phone call 303-442-7004 for more immediate feedback on your practice.

I would recommend doing the entire SYT practice only once or twice a week rest of the time do the recommendations I have personalized for you. Those practices need to be done daily. Without doing them faithfully you are wasting your time and money on seeking private yoga therapy advice. The rest of the time can be composed of what is your personal sadhana.