Significance of circle and 360 relevance


This is a symbol known to represent vortex math on the internet
From the 81 scales we can see. It is for the purpose I’m showing the of 9 root digits folded on themself.
72 (half of 144)
63 (the most overall type of checking points of 144)
54 (half of 108, 3/4 of 81)

54 is 2/3 of 81 but 2/4 or 3/4 if counting out of 108

One may like to see multiplication and division as more general for more specific things and addition and subtraction as more specific for more overall things. Act liberal in action and conservative in reaction. Remember to always practice core philosophy. Anything is possible but there are essential commandments of always truths of divine law constantly, there are essential truths conservative truths in core and all philosophy.

Attribute and attitude are different. And natural spontaneous existence is different than what a character experiences no matter what. Zooming in and out may be something that when small is about 3d when medium about linear 9 root digits of complexity when large a compilation of any many things; this may be a method you like. When there are many things that need to be figured, maybe think about sectioning into things with the 3,6,9 method.