Sitali Pranayam and Fever

Do u think that Sitali or similar technique can lower body temperature in case of fever?

Try it and see what happens…I imagine it will have some effect if the air around you is significantly cooler than your body temp…the temeperature here is very close to body temp so not sure that it will work for me…

Fever is a necessary immunofunction. To reduce it is to interfere with the system’s efforts to purge an invader.

YC, just wondering…dont have a fever right now;)

IA, totally agree w u…

Sheetali or Sheetakari pranayamas are recommned over other pranayamas in case of mild to moderate fever (99 deg. F to 103 deg F), as it can serve as compelmentary tool to main stream medicine or alternater medicines such homeopathy, etc. It is sure that these pranayamas are not cure for the most types of fever, and not even one of the good fever management tool.

Moreever, fever can be caused by various factors. In some case when fever is associated with symptoms of shivering or chills and fever is icaused by malaria, some becterial or viral infection, enlarged spleen, respiratory allergies, organic malfunction, these pranayamas should be avoided.

So, the best approach to whether to use these pranayamas or not in case of fever is to see a physician and go through necessary tests. Of couse, to avoid these pranayamas in above disorders.

There is definitely a whole science as to how to use various techniques of the yogic sciences for the purposes of healing, but like anything else in yoga you should not attempt to heal yourself unless you have a thorough understanding of the processes involved. If you learn how to influence the vital energies of the subtle body - various ailments can be cured, but to learn of this aspect of things you will have to seek the help of a master. Don’t tamper with processes without a grounded understanding of what it is you are doing and the mechanics of how your system works. It is not just about understanding your system, but how your system is interrelated with the whole. Even things like what sun or moon cycles are functioning at a particular time, what time of the day you practice, all of this has an influence.