Sometimes it takes darkness and aloneness

…sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet confinement of your aloneness to learn that anything
or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you.
David Whyte


This is so beautiful. I had a psychology professor who is so epically beautiful in spirit, I love that man. And he used to pass out poems before each class… this was one of them. Thank you for reminding me of it.

Thank you for sharing this, Nichole! I’d also like to add that we rise above that person’s smallness and hold out our hand for them to reach up toward.

Oops, typo: *that we CAN rise above that person’s smallness and hold out our hand for them to reach up toward.

It is a beautiful poem and it reminds me of one by Wendell Berry

To know the light go with light
To know the dark go darkly
And see that the night blooms and sings
And has dark feet and dark wings.

As Nietschze said, the more we grow into the height, the more long our roots to grow into the dark debts!
Darkness is needed sometimes :wink:


I think darkness and aloneness are fundamental, basic. Because we have eyes that bring the ‘seen’ world to life and because they depend on light, we make light primary, a mistake. But light is a thing, matter. Light is or is not, darkness always is.

Aloneness is even easier to understand. Duality is a human invention, aloneness stands by itself. Being alone and not being aware of it is therefore the highest spiritual state.