Spinal Stenosis issue

Hi Tom, I’m writing with J’s permission. You know the history of his
scoliosis and that 6 years ago he was in bed for 3 months with spinal
stenosis unable to move without great pain and he eventually received
steroid shots. There was also a lot of emotional turmoil in his life at that time. Now he’s in a lot of pain with what his doctor (over the phone) says is sciatica. Doctor says to take lots of ibuprofen and call him in 5 days.

He’s stopped doing any movement if he can help it. He alternates heat and cold, and tries to sleep only on his back. But wants to know if you believe stopping his asanas is a good idea or should he force himself to do stretches on the floor or is there any other suggestion you might have.

Thanks, L

I would suggest that J only do the joint freeing series and any others that he knows which make him feel better. And that very slowly to be seeking to eliminate or modify any motions that cause him strain or pain. If mild repetitions of the practices lessen the pain then he can continue with them. Ideal would be to do this series twice a day before breakfast and before dinner (or late evening).

In addition since sciatica is a pitta imbalance I would recommend that he avoid pitta-stimulating foods. Simple version of this diet is not spicy foods and nightshades. Details in any Ayurvedic book.