Spinal Twist & Hip pain


I am thrilled to discover this online community.

I have been practising yoga for 2 years and recently I have been experiencing pain in the side of my hips when I do spinal twists - those which begin with me sitting on my knees. When I twist to the right, I feel pain in the side of the left hip and vice versa.

Can you suggest anything which might loosen up the hips?


I suggest that where you are feeling the reaction is a good location, especially if it is located on the outer pelvic area or extending down the lateral thigh. If it releases when you relax the effort that is a better response. If not releasing, then pain should be avoided. In general i recommend no one practice a posture which brings up pain. However when pain diminishes by relaxation of effort in the posture than it is a good pain as it is going out of your body. Optimal is to learn anatomy as shown in my book, there it will clarify what muscle should be reacting in what poses - see asana kinesiology charts on page 250 ff. If pain does not diminish then it means that an adjustment needs to be made. Main pain to watch for in twists is that which arises in the sacral region base of spine as it enters the pelvis. If you are reacting there then definitely change the pose.

To loosen the hips do my joint freeing series as described in my book. the entire series needs to be done not merely the four exercises focusing on the hip joints. namaste mukunda