Spiritual path

I read with great interest the information you sent yesterday. I am a new yoga teacher, and I go to yoga classes myself whenever time permits. I have only had one teacher, and she is well qualified with 25 years experience and great training. When Bhastrika and Kapalabhati are done in class, I do not do them because I have esophageal reflux, plus a small intestine disorder. My question is this: If I never do those exercises, what will be the outcome of my spiritual path because of it? I follow the teachings of Sri Eknath Easwaran and have been meditating for two years. In his teachings there is nothing I’ve found that refers to these breathing methods. Of course he doesn’t talk at all about yoga. I am open to all information, and I do read the yoga sutras. Also, it would be difficult for me to teach these to a class. What are your thoughts?

Thank you so much! J

J - Thank you for your question. I am honored in knowing that such a committed student as yourself continues to learn. My policy about practices is not to teach any practice I cannot do and where I do not have experience of the next three steps beyond tha practice. All Yoga leads us to specific experiences of the elements of the Self as it unfold the multidimensional ego self veiled by the koshas. The purpose of pranayama as in the Yoga Sutras II, 50 is to make the prana prolonged and subtle. The practices of Kapalabhati and Bhastrika purify the Kapha and Pitta qualities respectively. These are only necessary for those who are imbalanced and have potential health problems. For those seeking Spirit, such as yourself, Patanjali’s guidelines are more important as he is showing the systematic method of Raja Yoga that leads to Self-realization. Since your teacher has taken mahasamadhi, I would recommend to continue to deepen your connection to Prana and Meditation by the Sutras guidelines