
I hope you can help me with a question. I went to your Q+A site to find out about SYT for spondylolisthesis. But, I was unable to access the one inquiry that seemed like it might apply. So, I wonder if you could let me know what would be beneficial for as well as contraindicated for this condition. The student is a 12 year old gymnast and soccer player. About a week and a half ago she was diagnosed with a grade 2 spondylolisthesis (fracture and slippage). She is determined to continue with her sports. But, she is slowing down for now in hopes of healing this. She has begun to see a physical therapist who has started her with cranio sacral therapy just to relax everything before going in with excercises. She has asked if I could help her with some yoga. I feel I need some guidance on this one. She is like a neice to me and I would really like to help her to experience a gentler way of enjoying movement in her body. She is very open-minded and I think she might really take to all aspects of yoga over time. I want to help her but, I am not sure of what to suggest for this condition.

The Simple answer is no extremes of range of motion, especially spinal twists and backbends. Maintain natural spinal curvature sin all yoga asanas don?t flatten nor arch spine excessively. But to my ear gymnastics is not a good idea due to going beyond ROM. I have extensive work on this topic but only with one client in mid 30s for 9 years. Bodywork is a must to prevent pain. Depends on how the child is doing. namaste