Sprained disc

Dear Mukunda: I was at your Oct. Workshop in Calgary and also had a private session with you. I have been doing the joint freeing and Asana series ever since with some very encouraging results. Yesterday I was doing my usual morning practice. I have added Utthita hasta padangusthasana after tree pose as an additional balance. Feeling that my balance was very steady I looked down at my leg instead of straight ahead at my foot. Then WHAM! I felt something shift in my lower lumbar like a tectonic plate in the earth shifting. I was immediately practically immobilized by pain. I made it to the chiro and his diagnosis is a sprained disc. His adjustment allowed me to walk more easily and has recommended staying in spinal extension and doing easy standing back arching and cat with leg extensions. I am using ice and heat alternately and taking arnica. I am most comfortable standing. Driving really feels awful even with propping. I go for acupuncture tomorrow. Do you have any further suggestions or insights? I am very upset and trying my best to be present.

Many thanks, V

The cat pose done with hip extension is called sunbird (Chakravakasana) and is #7 of my joint freeing series. It tones the hamstring and gluteals. It is among the best poses to do. In general for this condition these are the muscles to strengthen do not do forward bends for at least 2-4 weeks. They include prolonged sitting can irritate the conditions. Also do locust and cobra without arms assisting.