Squatting to defecate

now i stumbled across this website


and it basically is a yogically correct platform that fits over your toilet at a 5 degree slant so you dont fall backward that allows you to shit squatting down like we would naturally.

it has a bunch of yoga master and chiropractors and various other doctors recomending it…im curiosu what you all have to say about squatting to s***.

personally ive been doing it for a few days now and i think its great, im also using less toilet paper cause the anus is just protruding out more its much easier to clean…much mroe sanitary.

it makes sense to me that the toilet is just another prime example of western society removing us from our nature…but what do you guys ahve to say?

ps i have a far superior method than the platform described, im just filling a bowl with about an inch of water and squattign over it…also theres no splash…which is pretty cool, then i just pour it into the toilet…i like this a lot better than climbing on top of my toilet.

Nice topic, I had to sign up for an account, just so I could comment.

I’m a big fan of squatting. I’ve been living in Japan for two years now. There are two types of toilets here, at complete polar opposites to each other. On one end you have the super lavish Western style with all kinds of pumps, sprays, fans, fountains and waterfalls included. On the other end of the scale is the good old squatter.

When i first got here I had a bit of an irrational fear of the squatter. Having done yoga for a while I was sure the joints could handle it, it just seemed wrong from my western, sat all my life, perspective. Then I found out my place of work only had squatters, so a faced the fear and wow, squatting is the way forward.

Apart from the benefits already mentioned, like a clean exit wound, I also find that I really feel like I get the job done properly when squatting. You know sometimes, when you walk away with the feeling like there was still more to come, but it just wasn’t happening. I never get that when squatting, I reckon it lines the tubes up as nature intended.

I’m not sure about crapping in bowls but, I have a western style toilet in in my house (hoses, etc disabled) and I use an upturned bin to bring my feet up to hip level when I want to assume the squat position.

Well, nice first post from me on this board. Hello everyone, I like taking a dump in the squat position. Nice to meet you.

ive been squatting for a while…i used 2 cinder blocks infront of my toilet to raise my legs up but really i never managed to get the angles right…and there would always be a big splash…so far ive been using the bowl for about 3 days and i think its the best of my experiments…but response the bowl hasnt been very estatic…my dad made me write “SHIT!” on my bowl in a sharpee so no one would use it…but like its so much more sanitary this way…you dont touch anything with germs on it…you dont get a splash…theres no mess at all…you just fill the bowl with an inch of water and it pours right out into the toilet…and you dont have to climb up on anything.

i am curious what other methods are out there though…if antyone has any ideas

Here’s a link to a good article discussing the physiology and medical benefits of squatting:www.newlifejournal.com/augsep02/isbit.shtml Namaste

I gather this is a serious post. One never knows. Nothing wrong with the topic of course.

I am however fascinated by those who are fascinated with their method or equipment for evacuating the bowels. It sounds a bit like a preoccupation. Is this an arousing topic? I ask because I wonder if it’s a fetish.

The article that is cited is intertesting but it’s findings are anecdotal by their own admissions. Not that this invalidates the study but again in their own words “informal”. Those sorts of studies do not follow statistical protocols. The other sitations are from two books which are not peer-reviewed journals.

I am NOT saying they are wrong. Goodness knows we’re evolved carelessly.
I’m merely saying it’s not gospel. However, if one wants to squat, in the immortal words of Captin Jean Luc Piccard; “Make it so, Number 2”

What a wonderful thread (excuse the pun)!

I have risked life and limb trying to squat on a western style toilet for years, as this practical method seems to have a lot to recommend it, though it feels to precarious for my liking and Iv’e stopped. My husband is quite handy and keeps promising to build a toilet platform in his workshop. So seeing that someone else has manufactured one for sale might be the spur he needs to get his tools out. The next house we build we have decided to build a loo in our private bathroom so that we can squat naturally.

Thank you for bringing humour to what has become a subject where most of my yoga peers wrinkle their noses at such talk.

Re: “The article that is cited is intertesting but it’s findings are anecdotal by their own admissions. Not that this invalidates the study but again in their own words “informal”. Those sorts of studies do not follow statistical protocols. The other sitations are from two books which are not peer-reviewed journals”.How many of the recommendations made on this site are based on statistical protocols and (scientific) peer reviewed journals?


Out of 3,876. How essential is it to this forum?

With colon cancer on the rise we all need to be concerned about all aspects of our health. Colon cancer runs in my family. It is a horrible disease, but is curable with treatment. But why wait until the diagnosis. I am not.

Sam Rao, the owner/distributor of Nature’s Platform is a long time friend of mine. He recommended the platform due my family’s history of colon cancer and the digestive problems precede it. The platform works. Eliminating is easier, less painful and more complete.

Sam is a wonderful friend and has a ton of information for anyone requesting it. He also runs yoga programs for men with prostate concerns. www.samraoyoga.com. I vouch for this man. 100%. He did his teacher training program with Ruth White and is an accomplished yogi.

My best to all, Cathy

It is better for you to squat when you go to the bathroom. In many middle eastern countries that’s how they go to the bathroom. It is a whole in the floor. It is much better for your health.

As yoga has become more “fashionable” and socially accepted at least in western Europe yoga teachers seem to have an excellent oportunity to communicate the importance of returning to nature’s way of defecating. Reasoned arguments about the “benefits of squatting” aren’t going to sway many westerners stuck in a cultural blindspot that “squatting is only for natives”. (Actually there are plenty of western cultural blindspots of which squatting is only one- consider how eating with western cutlery evolved and of course the western obsession with wearing shoes absolutely everywhere- please read on.) I suggest western devotees of yoga will listen to their yoga teachers not only because they’re paying to listen. What about starting and ending every yoga class with mandatory squatting? That will quickly sort westerners from the rest! Further, yoga seems a useful platform to relearn our natural functions because the culture is that everyone has to be barefoot. For shoe-obsessed westerners, (re-)learning to squat barefoot is a first step to learning how to defecate naturally. In contrast, it simply won’t work telling a westerner the benefits of squatting in his ?200 loafers or 6-inch stilletos. In sum, one means of getting westerners to potty-squat with a reasonable chance of success is to force them to squat by making squatting a key routine in yoga classes. To all yoga teachers, how about this if you really believe in “yoga for health”?

Squatting during poo labor may seem strange to the uninitiated or beginner.But if your an advanced Yogi like I am,it`s the only way to fly.
Given how experienced I am on this subject,I have no use for props of any sort and my alignment is perfect (sorry Iyengar crowd).
I started out 10 years ago squatting on toilet seats and I was constantly focusing on my balance,needles to say that over time I have become so capable in my technique that I have sought out more challenging ways to do this so that my evolution does not stagnate.
This picture should help you visualize my abilities

Naturally I can do this with my eyes closed while balancing on the ball of my foot.
This posture is not only beautiful to behold,but is very practical for the time I eat something sticky like Eggplant Pizza Masala.

What happened to the picture of the one legged squat? I wanted to see!