now i stumbled across this website
and it basically is a yogically correct platform that fits over your toilet at a 5 degree slant so you dont fall backward that allows you to shit squatting down like we would naturally.
it has a bunch of yoga master and chiropractors and various other doctors recomending it…im curiosu what you all have to say about squatting to s***.
personally ive been doing it for a few days now and i think its great, im also using less toilet paper cause the anus is just protruding out more its much easier to clean…much mroe sanitary.
it makes sense to me that the toilet is just another prime example of western society removing us from our nature…but what do you guys ahve to say?
ps i have a far superior method than the platform described, im just filling a bowl with about an inch of water and squattign over it…also theres no splash…which is pretty cool, then i just pour it into the toilet…i like this a lot better than climbing on top of my toilet.