I will be starting TTP in a few months. I will be taking the CPR and First Aid classes now in October… is there anything else I should take in order to be ready to go when I finish the TTP? Any suggestions?
I will be starting TTP in a few months. I will be taking the CPR and First Aid classes now in October… is there anything else I should take in order to be ready to go when I finish the TTP? Any suggestions?
Perhaps inadvertently, you just asked a huge group of diverse yoga practitioners “What should a yoga teacher be/know/do?” Wow, you’re brave. : )
I am very happy to see you are considering the possibility that your students will need drastic physical assistance when you are around, and that you don’t expect your teacher training program to provide you with that.
I suggest that you continue to deepen your personal yoga practice, including going to classes. Your answers will come as you notice more and more what you depend on your teachers for.
Hello Luv,
My response to your question is “it depends”. That depending would encompass what you are hoping to provide your students, the nature of your own background (education, yoga, asana, meditation, lifestyle et al), as well as the sort of training you are about to take.
Typically, CPR and First Aid are requisites for teaching in a fitness center or gym. And, further expanding on that, there aren’t really more qualifications in those venues at all.
Could you perhaps illuminate the sort of direction in which you are traveling relative to teaching yoga?